Thursday, 17 December 2009

Are Cornwall's Tory Councillors squabbling over allowances?

That very leaky rumour mill at County Hall (where would we be without it?) is awash with tales of splits and threatened resignations within the Conservative group over that subject closest to the hearts of our elected representatives - their allowances.

Apparently there is a 'difference of opinion' between the basic-salaried backbenchers and their handsomely compensated leadership over how to react to the upcoming recommendations of Cornwall Council's Independent Remuneration Panel. You may recall that, early on in the life of the Council, the ruling coalition of Conservatives and Independents voted down a motion by the opposition Lib Dems which called for a freeze in councillors' allowances on the grounds that everyone should wait and see what the Panel's verdict would be.

Now it seems, with a General Election looming, the Council's Leader, Alec Robertson, is no longer keen on waiting for the Panel and wants his councillors to take a hit in the pocket for the greater good of the party. The backbenchers, on the other hand, feel they should be paid a little more than £12,000 a year for what is, in all fairness, a time-consuming and generally thankless job.

Word seeps out that Cllr Robertson has played the ultimate trump card (so early on?) and threatened to resign if the drones don't fall into line.

Cassandra's guess is that Smart Alec will win the day, especially with a potentially close-fought election looming, but will he have done lasting damage to his relationship with his voting fodder? You can't pull the resignation trick too many times, that's for sure. Will the boys and girls in blue expect to be paid back in full after the election? And what will their Independent partners make of it all? Can't wait!

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